Montenegro is recognized as one of the most favorable countries for investment and business development. An extremely stimulating tax policy makes Montenegro a very attractive destination. The income tax rate is only 9%.
Secure business, favorable geographical position, equal status of domestic and foreign investors, membership in NATO as well as in all relevant international organizations (WTO, CEFTA, and others) additionally affect the security of invested capital and investments.
For all these reasons, an increasing number of foreign investors decide to invest their capital in Montenegro and allow themselves to become a tax resident of Montenegro.
This means that legally and following the applicable laws of Montenegro, it acquires the right to pay corporate income tax and personal income tax in Montenegro on the realized profit in the country and abroad.
Corporate income tax and personal income tax are 9%.
Conditions for obtaining tax residency
Legal entities (companies):
By founding a company in Montenegro, one acquires tax residency automatically.
A natural person may acquire tax residency if he has a residence or a center of business and life interests on the territory of Montenegro and resides on the territory of Montenegro for more than 183 days in the tax year. The tax year is equal to the calendar year.